Wednesday 6 May 2009

What I was thinking the entire way through my exam...

I have decided I want to be Ben10.

It would be frickin' awesome! Admittedly I would settle with being Gwen instead - she has pretty cool powers in Ben10 alien force.

I often wonder what it would be like to have super powers. In alot of shows they start to get stressed and just want to be normal, but I think I could handle it. It all depends on what powers you have.

Superman for example should have absolutely no reason to get stressed. OK, Lois gets herself into a few pickles through being associated with him, but tbh, it would make life more interesting. Superman is like the ultimate collection of super powers. He has an ability for every occasion! Super-stength, super-speed, heat vision, x-ray vison, super-hearing and flying, for God's sake! In one of the movies he even makes time go backwards just by flying in the opposite direction the the earth's rotation for a bit.

Actually after that I'm stuck between Ben10 and Superman...

There are lots of superpowers out there in the world of Sci-Fi though. It's hard to decide which power you would choose, or which hero you would like to be.

The one power I want most in the world though is the ability to fly. Whether it's like Superman or if I have to flap my arms at an insane pace or even if I sprout wings like that guy in X-Men 3. Actually, having wings would be pretty sweet.



Just imagine it! You could swing from trees by your tail! Oooft... I can see it now.


Now there's an ability to covet. Fans of the Twilight series will know what I'm talking about. Being a wolf would be pretty damn cool. Although the whole no-privacy thing is a major downer.

But then you have to consider the possibility of other animals. What about a fosa? They live on Madagascar, and they're pretty darn cool tbh.

What animal would you chose to be?

DE x

Sunday 3 May 2009

What Fresh Hell..?

Ahahah this font is called 'trebuchet' which sounds like 'tres bucket' which would be good bucket in French, sept i dont know the French for bucket... damnit.. my associate the Disgruntled Emo has just informed me that 'tres' means 'very' . god damnit. higher French will be a disaster i tells ya. my point is, all teachers are unichs. in a non-insulting way. most of my male teachers are legends.
H. x

But what of female teachers? do they instantly give up the general perception they are sexually active or are female teachers considered sex symbols? being a girl i can't exactly tell. but Halfsquat's theory has got me puzzling over this rather disturbing and frankly unimportant issue.
deodorant burns at close proximity. as my foot just found out. Halfsqaut never thinks of these things before she decides she's going to hurt me. she's currently flashing her pants at me asking what the slogan on her boxer's band means. i bleieve that 'sweet as candy' is some form of imagery referring to either her personality or her ass. i can't decide which. maybe it's both? certainly not her face.

i can tell this blog is going to be a good laugh...

DE x